Tek diving

                                    XR SSI, TDI, CMAS

                                                                                      price : O2: 0,15 € /L and   He: 0,1 € / L


                                                      Nitrox diver SSI


The SSI Enriched Air Nitrox program will teach you how to safely plan and dive with enriched air mixtures of up to 40% oxygen. Diving with enriched air can increase your no-decompression limits, increase your safety, and reduce the required length of your surface intervals when compared to air. You will earn the SSI Enriched Air Nitrox 32% or 40% certification after completing this program. 165 €

Extended Range Nitrox Diving


This program provides the knowledge and experience required to independently plan and conduct limited decompression dives to a maximum depth of 40 meters, using nitrox mixtures up to 50%. This entry-level program introduces you to the Extended Range training techniques and skills, and can be completed wearing a standard single-cylinder equipment configuration. You will earn the SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving certification after completing this program,  250 €.

Gas Blender Nitrox & Trimix

This program teaches the skills and concepts required to safely blend nitrox and helium-based trimix blends for mixed-gas diving. This is a non-diving program that is open to certified and uncertified divers, and teaches the mathematics, physics and techniques required to safely blend breathing gases. You will earn the SSI XR Gas Blender certification.

90 €


SDI / TDI  Sidemount                       

This course/method of diving is very beneficial for you :

– Technical gear setup
– No weight on your Back
– More gas for extended dives
– Easy to travel with
– Perfect Trim

We offer TDI/SDI Sidemount diver course. Which gives you the opportunity to dive with 2+ cylinders for extended dive times.

The Tec Sidemount diver course is a good first step if you are interested in technical diving, because the skills you learn in this course will train you to handle multiple cylinders on a single dive.

You can combine what you learned in the Tec Sidemount diver course with other open-circuit tech and recreational courses that you take. Or certifications you’ve already earned. To take advantage of sidemount’s cylinder configuration and handling advantages.

This course is not only recommended for Technical Divers. Its always a good way if you would like to become cave divers or Advanced Nitrox Divers. Or if you would like to extended range or Trimix 60 course on Sidemount. No, it is a great way to explore new limits also in Recreational Diving.

225 €


At one point or another, many divers have found themselves alone during a dive, whether it was intentional or not. SDI’s Solo Diving is the practice of self reliant scuba diving without a “dive buddy.”Solo diving, once considered technical diving and discouraged by most certification agencies, is now seen by many experienced divers and some certification agencies as an acceptable practice for those divers suitably trained and experienced. Rather than relying on the traditional buddy diving safety system, solo divers should be skilled in self-sufficiency and willing to take responsibility for their own safety while diving.

Being one of SDI’s most popular courses, the Solo Diver course stresses proper dive planning, personal limitations, and accident prevention, as well as the benefits, hazards, and proper procedures for diving solo. You will also learn the additional equipment that is required for solo diving including its proper usage and assembly. This is the perfect course for underwater photography and underwater video divers as well as those diving with their children or buddies that may not be very experienced in scuba diving.  190 €

Who this course is for :

The certified SDI Advanced Diver (or equivalent) who is interested in learning how to dive independent of a dive buddy, or looking to strengthen your buddy team diving skills.

Course prerequisites :

  • Minimum age 21
  • Certified SDI Advanced Diver or equivalent
  • Provide proof of 100 logged dives

What you can expect to learn :

The SDI Solo Diver course takes an in-depth look at all of the following and more:

  • Why solo dive ?
  • History of buddy diving
  • Pros and cons of buddy diving and solo diving
  • Legal liability assumed by buddy diving
  • How to use the SDI Solo Diving waiver and release
  • Who must solo dive ?
  • The solo diving mentality
  • When not to solo dive
  • Equipment for solo diving
  • Planning and conducting a solo dive
  • Navigation
  • Management of solo diving emergencies
  • Review the SDI Solo Diver Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk Agreement Form

TDI Introduction to technical diving


This course is intended to help prepare divers for further technical trining by introducing equipment configurations and spending time on basic skills such as buoyancy, trim, situational awareness and team skills.

Any certified diver with at least 25 logged dives may take this class

Program Content:
During class, land drills and in water we address:

  • Equipment configuration, buoyancy, swimming and streamlining techniques
  • Anatomy and Physiology, and their role in diver safety
  • Review of Diving Physics
  • Dive planning and gas management
  • Introduction of routine skills required in technical diving, as well as simple emergency management skills.

Program Limits

No dives deeper than the students previous certification allows,

225 €

TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver

This course teaches you the use of EAN 21 through 100% Oxygen for optimal mixes to a depth of 130fsw/40msw.

The Advanced Nitrox diver course is also a great course for those wanting to extend their bottom times in shallower depths such as scientific diver and CCR divers.

The course cover topics like:

Tech Diving Equipment requirements
Dive planning
Oxygen tracking
Blending methods
You will use the TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver Diving manual, or E-learning (which we recommend) for your course, which explains in an easy practical way the complex information that Advanced Nitrox divers need to know.

The aim of this course is to train divers the benefits, hazards and proper ways for utilizing oxygen rich mixes, as well as gas switches for dives not requiring staged decompression.(Decompression techniques may be combined with this course at the discretion of the Instructor). 290 €

TDI Decompression Procedures Diver

It is the next course after the TDI Advanced Nitrox course. Or once you are an advanced open water diver. This course examines the theory, methods and procedures of planned stage decompression diving.

Your TDI Instructor will give you all the necessary information and skills you’ll need to complete this course.

Some topics that will be covered :

  • Kit set-up
  • Tech diving Equipment requirements
  • Decompression techniques
  • Decompression breathing gases
  • Gas management
  • Contingency planning
  • Problem solving procedures

The TDI Decompressions Procedures Diver Course combined with the TDI Advanced Nitrox course, form the foundation of all other technical courses. After these two courses and some extra experience, the stage has been set for you to move on to other technical levels.

Some of the materials you will be using includes the TDI Divers Guide to Decompression Procedures, US Navy or Buhlmann Air Decompression Tables (made of vinyl for easy in-water use and storage)

The aim of this course is to train divers how to plan and conduct a standard staged decompression dive.

The most common equipment requirements, gear set-ups, decompression techniques and decompression mixtures (including Oxygen and Nitrox) are presented.

250 €


Certain areas of the world provide spectacular dives at depths deeper than 39 metres/130 feet but you may not have access (or very limited access) to helium. The TDI Extended Range course teaches you the proper techniques for utilizing compressed air as a breathing gas, and with a maximum depth of 55 metres/180 feet, so you don’t have to miss those dives! The TDI Extended Range Diver Course provides the training and experience necessary including proper techniques, equipment requirements, and hazards of deep air diving, to competently utilize air for dives up to 55 metres/180 feet that require staged decompression, using nitrox mixtures or oxygen during decompression.

Who this course is for:

  • The certified TDI Advanced Nitrox/Decompression Procedures diver looking for the next step in technical dive training. Whether you’re looking to expand upon your skills, experience, or just go a little deeper to see an area of interest, this course is for you!

Course prerequisites :

(these requirements must be met prior to commencement of training) :

  • Minimum age 18
  • Certified as a TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver and TDI Decompression Procedures Diver, or equivalent
  • Proof of a minimum of 100 logged dives, of which 25 must be deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
  • 250 €

TDI Extended Range Diver minimum requirements

  • Satisfactorily complete the TDI Extended Range Course written examination with a passing score of 80%, followed by 100% remediation by the instructor
  • Complete all open water requirements efficiently
  • Demonstrate mature and sound judgment concerning dive planning and execution


The TDI Helitrox Diver Course examines the theory, methods, and procedures for planning staged decompression dives utilizing helium in the breathing mixture to reduce the effects of inert gas narcosis.

The TDI Helitrox Diver Course trains divers how to plan and conduct staged decompression dives to a maximum depth of 45 metres/150 feet. The most common equipment requirements, gear set-up, and decompression techniques are also presented during this course. Students are permitted to utilize enriched air nitrox and helium mixes with no greater than 35% helium content, and up to 100% oxygen for decompression diving.

This program is designed as a stand-alone course, or it may be taught in conjunction with TDI Advanced Nitrox at the discretion of the instructor.


Who this course is for:

  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver looking to expand their knowledge of decompression theory and diving techniques using helitrox
  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver who is interested in extending their bottom time
  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver who has interest in moving forward with technical diving education

Course prerequisites:

  • Minimum age 18
  • Minimum certification of SDI Advanced Diver (with Deep specialty) or TDI Intro to Tech Diver, or equivalent
  • Certified as TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver (unless being taught concurrently)
  • Proof of 50 logged dives
  • 250 € + Helium use

TDI Trimix Diver

Purpose :

  • The course is available to those who require a safer means for deep water exploration and do not wish to make air dives below 40m/130ft. There is a strong emphasis on safety and skill development within the program content
  • Certifies divers to use non-hypoxic trimixes to maximum depth of 60m/200ft
  • Allows a diver to obtain any nitrox mix up to pure oxygen for decompression

Prerequisites :

  • Must be at least a TDI Advanced Nitrox & Decompression Procedures Diver equivalent
  • Must have a minimum of 100 logged dives
  • Be at least 18 years of age

Program Content and limits :

  • Confined waterwork will be completed dealing with equipment set-up, handling and dive technique, plus emergency skills and stress management exercises
  • Four decompression dives, at least two of which are below 40m/130ft
  • At least 100 minutes of open water bottom time
  • Bottom PO2 limited to a maximum of 1.4 ATA
  • Decompression gas partial pressures will not exceed 1.6 ATA
  • All bottom mixes will be non-hypoxic ( above 18% oxygen )

Academic presentations will include, All sections from the Extended Range and Trimix Diver Student Workbook, such as :

  • Equipment configuration and Dive Technique
  • Advanced Dive Planning and Gas Matching
  • Risk analysis
  • Respiratory physiology
  • Understanding Oxygen, Narcosis, CO2 effects etc
  • Decompression theory and DCI avoidance and management

Note : As with all TDI programs, the divers must complete and pass the written examination, complete all open water requirenments efficiently and safely, and demonstrate mature and sound judgement in dive planning and execution in order to be certified.

TDI Advanced Trimix Diver Program

Price :  $895

Duration : 4-5 days

Purpose :

  • Designed to afford a safer means of deep water exploration for those wishing to participate in deep diving
  • The knowledge and skills taught in this course are more than adequate to qualify divers to perform dives outside of training up tp 100m/330ft

Prerequisites :

  • Must be certified as an TDI Trimix Diver or equivalent
  • Must have a log or proof of 100 dives, of which 30 are deeper than 30m/100ft
  • Proof of sufficient experience in double tanks or any specialized equipment such as dry suit to be used.

Program Content and limits :

  • At least one confined water dive, or shallow skills dive will be conducted
  • Four training dives will be made with at least two deeper than 70m
  • Maximum Depth during tarining will be no more than 100m/330ft
  • Multiple decompression gases and/or use of bottom stages will be presented

Academic presentations will include, All sections from the Extended Range and Trimix Diver Student Workbook, such as :

  • Reviews of all topics from the Trimix Diver Program, such as Dive Planning, Risk Analysis, Inert Gas Narcosis, CO2, Understanding Oxygen, DCS and Decompression Theory
  • Helium Considerations
  • Risks of Hypoxia
  • Operational Considerations
  • Use of Decompression Software.

Note : This course can be packaged with Trimix Diver, total cost $1.495.00 plus gas.

The IANTD Triton Rebreather

The rebreather – a device accessible to everyone! This machine is not reserved for the elite: all you need is to be properly trained and to be rigorous in applying the rules, and you will open un-hoped for horizons. Rebreather diving is becoming more and more popular – at the latest diving exhibition in Paris there were rebreathers everywhere !

With a rebreather, you breathe calmly through a closed air circuit, which gives you 6 major advantages :

No bubbles, so no noise, you are really in a “world of silence”, which means you can approach the fish in a truly amazing way ;

No more problems of air autonomy – the machine simply completes the oxygen you use, which means you can dive with over 4 hours of autonomy !

Most important of all, the rebreather produces the mix of air you need as you go along, so that the safety stops are absolutely optimised. It is as if you had, when coming back up, dozens of different nitrox mixes (going as far as pure oxygen) to optimise decompression. Not something to be sniffed at!

The air you breathe is warm and moist, which is much pleasanter and avoids considerable loss of heat.

For “deep” divers, the rebreather means a huge saving in gas, and given the high price of helium, this is a considerable advantage and can cut the cost of a dive by 10!!

For demanding dives, it avoids you carrying a ludicrous amount of tanks with you during the dive.

 Here is a concrete example: during a 40 meter dive using an “open circuit” (standard tanks) and with a ascent time of 15 minutes, you can stay down at maximum depth no longer than 20 minutes – if your air consumption allows you even that! With a rebreather, you can enjoy the maximum depth for almost 45 minutes, without increasing the ascent time.

Rebreather training comprises 8 dives of at least one hour. The machine used is the Triton mccr. This rebreather is a machine designed for manual management of your oxygen supply. During your training you will learn to adjust your weight-belt and your position in the water. You will also cover the recommended reactions in case of a problem: oxygen failure, drowning of the buckle … The rebreather is reliable since it offers multiple systems. In the case of a failure, a malfunction or simply if you are in doubt, there is always a solution.

You will work on the “what if…”: what do I do if this or that happens.

To move onto even deeper dives, you will need to pass the “Normoxic Trimix Diver” qualification to go down to 70 metres, or the “Hypoxic Trimix Diver” to go down to 100m.


Why use the Triton rebreather?


– First of all, the price, not a negligible factor in view of the price of these devices.

– The size : the triton rebreather is very compact, you can carry it on board with you as hand luggage in the plane, which is reassuring as you eliminate the lost luggage risk.

– Its simplicity : it is mechanic rather than electronic which means less risk of failure, fewer problems, less maintenance, fewer parts to change, less manipulation.

– Security : you are the one who controls your O2%, not an electronic machine.

– Straightforward and robust: for those who travel with their equipment or who live in remote areas, this factor is also important.

– For demanding dives, the triton is a ventral rebreather, which means you can comfortably carry another one on your back.

– The weight and siza of the device when diving – very comfortable!

– It can be used with your BCD, you tank, which can be reduced down to 6l, is then used to supply the rebreather (as a diluter) and as a bail-out tank.

– You will be able to move in the future towards a Sidemount configuration in order to lighten your configuration.

– If you go in for more demanding dives, the lightweight ventral Triton will fix onto your back harness and will connect up to your other tank, which acts as a diluter and bail-out. The Triton itself is supplied with oxygen through a small aluminium 1.5 litre tank.

– This configuration opens up a whole range of possibilities in terms of dive time, and also in terms of doubling up, thereby improving security.


                                            Tek diving

                                    XR SSI, TDI, CMAS

                                                                                      price : O2: 0,15 € /L and   He: 0,1 € / L


                                                      Nitrox diver SSI


The SSI Enriched Air Nitrox program will teach you how to safely plan and dive with enriched air mixtures of up to 40% oxygen. Diving with enriched air can increase your no-decompression limits, increase your safety, and reduce the required length of your surface intervals when compared to air. You will earn the SSI Enriched Air Nitrox 32% or 40% certification after completing this program. 165 €

Extended Range Nitrox Diving


This program provides the knowledge and experience required to independently plan and conduct limited decompression dives to a maximum depth of 40 meters, using nitrox mixtures up to 50%. This entry-level program introduces you to the Extended Range training techniques and skills, and can be completed wearing a standard single-cylinder equipment configuration. You will earn the SSI Extended Range Nitrox Diving certification after completing this program,  250 €.

Gas Blender Nitrox & Trimix

This program teaches the skills and concepts required to safely blend nitrox and helium-based trimix blends for mixed-gas diving. This is a non-diving program that is open to certified and uncertified divers, and teaches the mathematics, physics and techniques required to safely blend breathing gases. You will earn the SSI XR Gas Blender certification.

90 €


SDI / TDI  Sidemount                       

This course/method of diving is very beneficial for you :

– Technical gear setup
– No weight on your Back
– More gas for extended dives
– Easy to travel with
– Perfect Trim

We offer TDI/SDI Sidemount diver course. Which gives you the opportunity to dive with 2+ cylinders for extended dive times.

The Tec Sidemount diver course is a good first step if you are interested in technical diving, because the skills you learn in this course will train you to handle multiple cylinders on a single dive.

You can combine what you learned in the Tec Sidemount diver course with other open-circuit tech and recreational courses that you take. Or certifications you’ve already earned. To take advantage of sidemount’s cylinder configuration and handling advantages.

This course is not only recommended for Technical Divers. Its always a good way if you would like to become cave divers or Advanced Nitrox Divers. Or if you would like to extended range or Trimix 60 course on Sidemount. No, it is a great way to explore new limits also in Recreational Diving.

225 €


At one point or another, many divers have found themselves alone during a dive, whether it was intentional or not. SDI’s Solo Diving is the practice of self reliant scuba diving without a “dive buddy.”Solo diving, once considered technical diving and discouraged by most certification agencies, is now seen by many experienced divers and some certification agencies as an acceptable practice for those divers suitably trained and experienced. Rather than relying on the traditional buddy diving safety system, solo divers should be skilled in self-sufficiency and willing to take responsibility for their own safety while diving.

Being one of SDI’s most popular courses, the Solo Diver course stresses proper dive planning, personal limitations, and accident prevention, as well as the benefits, hazards, and proper procedures for diving solo. You will also learn the additional equipment that is required for solo diving including its proper usage and assembly. This is the perfect course for underwater photography and underwater video divers as well as those diving with their children or buddies that may not be very experienced in scuba diving.  190 €

Who this course is for :

The certified SDI Advanced Diver (or equivalent) who is interested in learning how to dive independent of a dive buddy, or looking to strengthen your buddy team diving skills.

Course prerequisites :

  • Minimum age 21
  • Certified SDI Advanced Diver or equivalent
  • Provide proof of 100 logged dives

What you can expect to learn :

The SDI Solo Diver course takes an in-depth look at all of the following and more:

  • Why solo dive ?
  • History of buddy diving
  • Pros and cons of buddy diving and solo diving
  • Legal liability assumed by buddy diving
  • How to use the SDI Solo Diving waiver and release
  • Who must solo dive ?
  • The solo diving mentality
  • When not to solo dive
  • Equipment for solo diving
  • Planning and conducting a solo dive
  • Navigation
  • Management of solo diving emergencies
  • Review the SDI Solo Diver Liability Release and Express Assumption of Risk Agreement Form

TDI Introduction to technical diving


This course is intended to help prepare divers for further technical trining by introducing equipment configurations and spending time on basic skills such as buoyancy, trim, situational awareness and team skills.

Any certified diver with at least 25 logged dives may take this class

Program Content:
During class, land drills and in water we address:

  • Equipment configuration, buoyancy, swimming and streamlining techniques
  • Anatomy and Physiology, and their role in diver safety
  • Review of Diving Physics
  • Dive planning and gas management
  • Introduction of routine skills required in technical diving, as well as simple emergency management skills.

Program Limits

No dives deeper than the students previous certification allows,

225 €

TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver

This course teaches you the use of EAN 21 through 100% Oxygen for optimal mixes to a depth of 130fsw/40msw.

The Advanced Nitrox diver course is also a great course for those wanting to extend their bottom times in shallower depths such as scientific diver and CCR divers.

The course cover topics like:

Tech Diving Equipment requirements
Dive planning
Oxygen tracking
Blending methods
You will use the TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver Diving manual, or E-learning (which we recommend) for your course, which explains in an easy practical way the complex information that Advanced Nitrox divers need to know.

The aim of this course is to train divers the benefits, hazards and proper ways for utilizing oxygen rich mixes, as well as gas switches for dives not requiring staged decompression.(Decompression techniques may be combined with this course at the discretion of the Instructor). 290 €

TDI Decompression Procedures Diver

It is the next course after the TDI Advanced Nitrox course. Or once you are an advanced open water diver. This course examines the theory, methods and procedures of planned stage decompression diving.

Your TDI Instructor will give you all the necessary information and skills you’ll need to complete this course.

Some topics that will be covered :

  • Kit set-up
  • Tech diving Equipment requirements
  • Decompression techniques
  • Decompression breathing gases
  • Gas management
  • Contingency planning
  • Problem solving procedures

The TDI Decompressions Procedures Diver Course combined with the TDI Advanced Nitrox course, form the foundation of all other technical courses. After these two courses and some extra experience, the stage has been set for you to move on to other technical levels.

Some of the materials you will be using includes the TDI Divers Guide to Decompression Procedures, US Navy or Buhlmann Air Decompression Tables (made of vinyl for easy in-water use and storage)

The aim of this course is to train divers how to plan and conduct a standard staged decompression dive.

The most common equipment requirements, gear set-ups, decompression techniques and decompression mixtures (including Oxygen and Nitrox) are presented.

250 €


Certain areas of the world provide spectacular dives at depths deeper than 39 metres/130 feet but you may not have access (or very limited access) to helium. The TDI Extended Range course teaches you the proper techniques for utilizing compressed air as a breathing gas, and with a maximum depth of 55 metres/180 feet, so you don’t have to miss those dives! The TDI Extended Range Diver Course provides the training and experience necessary including proper techniques, equipment requirements, and hazards of deep air diving, to competently utilize air for dives up to 55 metres/180 feet that require staged decompression, using nitrox mixtures or oxygen during decompression.

Who this course is for:

  • The certified TDI Advanced Nitrox/Decompression Procedures diver looking for the next step in technical dive training. Whether you’re looking to expand upon your skills, experience, or just go a little deeper to see an area of interest, this course is for you!

Course prerequisites :

(these requirements must be met prior to commencement of training) :

  • Minimum age 18
  • Certified as a TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver and TDI Decompression Procedures Diver, or equivalent
  • Proof of a minimum of 100 logged dives, of which 25 must be deeper than 30 metres/100 feet
  • 250 €

TDI Extended Range Diver minimum requirements

  • Satisfactorily complete the TDI Extended Range Course written examination with a passing score of 80%, followed by 100% remediation by the instructor
  • Complete all open water requirements efficiently
  • Demonstrate mature and sound judgment concerning dive planning and execution


The TDI Helitrox Diver Course examines the theory, methods, and procedures for planning staged decompression dives utilizing helium in the breathing mixture to reduce the effects of inert gas narcosis.

The TDI Helitrox Diver Course trains divers how to plan and conduct staged decompression dives to a maximum depth of 45 metres/150 feet. The most common equipment requirements, gear set-up, and decompression techniques are also presented during this course. Students are permitted to utilize enriched air nitrox and helium mixes with no greater than 35% helium content, and up to 100% oxygen for decompression diving.

This program is designed as a stand-alone course, or it may be taught in conjunction with TDI Advanced Nitrox at the discretion of the instructor.


Who this course is for:

  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver looking to expand their knowledge of decompression theory and diving techniques using helitrox
  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver who is interested in extending their bottom time
  • The certified Advanced Diver or Intro to Tech Diver who has interest in moving forward with technical diving education

Course prerequisites:

  • Minimum age 18
  • Minimum certification of SDI Advanced Diver (with Deep specialty) or TDI Intro to Tech Diver, or equivalent
  • Certified as TDI Advanced Nitrox Diver (unless being taught concurrently)
  • Proof of 50 logged dives
  • 250 € + Helium use

TDI Trimix Diver

Purpose :

  • The course is available to those who require a safer means for deep water exploration and do not wish to make air dives below 40m/130ft. There is a strong emphasis on safety and skill development within the program content
  • Certifies divers to use non-hypoxic trimixes to maximum depth of 60m/200ft
  • Allows a diver to obtain any nitrox mix up to pure oxygen for decompression

Prerequisites :

  • Must be at least a TDI Advanced Nitrox & Decompression Procedures Diver equivalent
  • Must have a minimum of 100 logged dives
  • Be at least 18 years of age

Program Content and limits :

  • Confined waterwork will be completed dealing with equipment set-up, handling and dive technique, plus emergency skills and stress management exercises
  • Four decompression dives, at least two of which are below 40m/130ft
  • At least 100 minutes of open water bottom time
  • Bottom PO2 limited to a maximum of 1.4 ATA
  • Decompression gas partial pressures will not exceed 1.6 ATA
  • All bottom mixes will be non-hypoxic ( above 18% oxygen )

Academic presentations will include, All sections from the Extended Range and Trimix Diver Student Workbook, such as :

  • Equipment configuration and Dive Technique
  • Advanced Dive Planning and Gas Matching
  • Risk analysis
  • Respiratory physiology
  • Understanding Oxygen, Narcosis, CO2 effects etc
  • Decompression theory and DCI avoidance and management

Note : As with all TDI programs, the divers must complete and pass the written examination, complete all open water requirenments efficiently and safely, and demonstrate mature and sound judgement in dive planning and execution in order to be certified.

TDI Advanced Trimix Diver Program

Price :  $895

Duration : 4-5 days

Purpose :

  • Designed to afford a safer means of deep water exploration for those wishing to participate in deep diving
  • The knowledge and skills taught in this course are more than adequate to qualify divers to perform dives outside of training up tp 100m/330ft

Prerequisites :

  • Must be certified as an TDI Trimix Diver or equivalent
  • Must have a log or proof of 100 dives, of which 30 are deeper than 30m/100ft
  • Proof of sufficient experience in double tanks or any specialized equipment such as dry suit to be used.

Program Content and limits :

  • At least one confined water dive, or shallow skills dive will be conducted
  • Four training dives will be made with at least two deeper than 70m
  • Maximum Depth during tarining will be no more than 100m/330ft
  • Multiple decompression gases and/or use of bottom stages will be presented

Academic presentations will include, All sections from the Extended Range and Trimix Diver Student Workbook, such as :

  • Reviews of all topics from the Trimix Diver Program, such as Dive Planning, Risk Analysis, Inert Gas Narcosis, CO2, Understanding Oxygen, DCS and Decompression Theory
  • Helium Considerations
  • Risks of Hypoxia
  • Operational Considerations
  • Use of Decompression Software.

Note : This course can be packaged with Trimix Diver, total cost $1.495.00 plus gas.

The IANTD Triton Rebreather

The rebreather – a device accessible to everyone! This machine is not reserved for the elite: all you need is to be properly trained and to be rigorous in applying the rules, and you will open un-hoped for horizons. Rebreather diving is becoming more and more popular – at the latest diving exhibition in Paris there were rebreathers everywhere !

With a rebreather, you breathe calmly through a closed air circuit, which gives you 6 major advantages :

No bubbles, so no noise, you are really in a “world of silence”, which means you can approach the fish in a truly amazing way ;

No more problems of air autonomy – the machine simply completes the oxygen you use, which means you can dive with over 4 hours of autonomy !

Most important of all, the rebreather produces the mix of air you need as you go along, so that the safety stops are absolutely optimised. It is as if you had, when coming back up, dozens of different nitrox mixes (going as far as pure oxygen) to optimise decompression. Not something to be sniffed at!

The air you breathe is warm and moist, which is much pleasanter and avoids considerable loss of heat.

For “deep” divers, the rebreather means a huge saving in gas, and given the high price of helium, this is a considerable advantage and can cut the cost of a dive by 10!!

For demanding dives, it avoids you carrying a ludicrous amount of tanks with you during the dive.

 Here is a concrete example: during a 40 meter dive using an “open circuit” (standard tanks) and with a ascent time of 15 minutes, you can stay down at maximum depth no longer than 20 minutes – if your air consumption allows you even that! With a rebreather, you can enjoy the maximum depth for almost 45 minutes, without increasing the ascent time.

Rebreather training comprises 8 dives of at least one hour. The machine used is the Triton mccr. This rebreather is a machine designed for manual management of your oxygen supply. During your training you will learn to adjust your weight-belt and your position in the water. You will also cover the recommended reactions in case of a problem: oxygen failure, drowning of the buckle … The rebreather is reliable since it offers multiple systems. In the case of a failure, a malfunction or simply if you are in doubt, there is always a solution.

You will work on the “what if…”: what do I do if this or that happens.

To move onto even deeper dives, you will need to pass the “Normoxic Trimix Diver” qualification to go down to 70 metres, or the “Hypoxic Trimix Diver” to go down to 100m.


Why use the Triton rebreather?


– First of all, the price, not a negligible factor in view of the price of these devices.

– The size : the triton rebreather is very compact, you can carry it on board with you as hand luggage in the plane, which is reassuring as you eliminate the lost luggage risk.

– Its simplicity : it is mechanic rather than electronic which means less risk of failure, fewer problems, less maintenance, fewer parts to change, less manipulation.

– Security : you are the one who controls your O2%, not an electronic machine.

– Straightforward and robust: for those who travel with their equipment or who live in remote areas, this factor is also important.

– For demanding dives, the triton is a ventral rebreather, which means you can comfortably carry another one on your back.

– The weight and siza of the device when diving – very comfortable!

– It can be used with your BCD, you tank, which can be reduced down to 6l, is then used to supply the rebreather (as a diluter) and as a bail-out tank.

– You will be able to move in the future towards a Sidemount configuration in order to lighten your configuration.

– If you go in for more demanding dives, the lightweight ventral Triton will fix onto your back harness and will connect up to your other tank, which acts as a diluter and bail-out. The Triton itself is supplied with oxygen through a small aluminium 1.5 litre tank.

– This configuration opens up a whole range of possibilities in terms of dive time, and also in terms of doubling up, thereby improving security.