Dive on Nosy Lava island (Madagascar), 155 km from Nosy-Be
Bivouac camping only
Diving in Nosy Lava is like diving on the edge of the world! At 155 km from Nosy Be, it is far away from everything: very little fishing, very little diving, a great variety of sites, superb drop offs; in the south west, vertiginous drop offs (-20 to -400 m), or else jagged drop offs with canyons, arches, cavities, and large numbers of pelagic fish; to the north west, the drop offs are less vertiginous but teeming with fish. Only downside : the sharks have never seen divers, so they shy away. With a rebreather you get to see dozens of sharks (grey sharks, bull sharks, white tip sharks), all sorts of rays (stingrays, eagle rays, mobulas, mantas …) as well as tuna fish, kingfish, barracuda, jackfish – and other smaller species !
The island is a former prison and still home to 3 former convicts who, when the prison closed, had nowhere else to go! On Nosy Lava, it is best to dive when the tide is rising, there are a lot more more fish, the difference between rising and falling tide is remarkable.
Season: March-April-May-October-November-December.
We offer diving on Nosy Lava Island, and we have chosen not to do it as a cruise for various reasons:
The speed of the boat, departure from Nosy Be, 1 dive along the route, and arriving in the evening at Nosy Lava (departure at 6:00). On the second day (not the fourth), you will already be diving at the spots around Nosy Lava; that’s 2 days saved! The same goes for the return journey. It’s possible to have short stays even if it’s far: 4 days, 3 nights!! Only possible with a fast boat like ours